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编辑:fengzemin 发布时间:2019-12-25   动态次数: 1237549
资讯导读:浙江章华保健美发实业有限公司集化妆品研发、生产、销售、培训和服务为一体的大型综合性化妆品制造企业。公司主要生产“SNOL章华”、“丝精” 等品牌染发、洗发、护发和沐浴液系列产品。

        章华公司筹建于1980年,下建三家生产企业、四大生产基地,以“不要九十九,确保百分百”的宗旨,设有北京章华天然化妆品研究中心,上海天然桑丝研究中心,系目前国内染发品种最多,产量最大,色彩最全的专业化的民族染发化妆品企业。行业首家IS014001认证、 IS09001认证、美国FDA认证。“章华”品牌染发产品2003年在国家质检总局组织在全国中外染发品国家监督抽查中红榜排名第一。“章华”品牌染发产品2004年在国家质检总局组织的全国中外染发产品国家监督抽查中红榜排名第一。“丝精”品牌自2000年推出市场以来连续二十年获上海市畅销金品奖;“章华一抹黑”连续二十六年同类产品销量国内领先;1999年“天峰”商标先后荣获浙江省著名商标、“浙江名牌”;“章华”商标先后荣获浙江省著名商标、浙江名牌;“丝精”商标获上海市著名商标、上海名牌。远销美国,以色列等几十个国家和地区。世界领先在高科技染发产品服务中外客商,40年章华创新科技为您带来新的增长点,助您收获意想不到的佳绩。章华公司欢迎新老客户全方位合作!


2019年12日25日在深圳会展中心举办的2019深圳美博会上,中国香料香精化妆品工业协会理事长、全国香料香精化妆品标准化技术委员会主任委员陈少军先生率领协会及行业领导巡视化妆品参展企业: 浙江章华保健美发实业有限公司。

中国香料香精化妆品工业协会理事长、全国香料香精化妆品标准化技术委员会主任委员陈少军先生热情接受COTV《商务资讯》栏目组主持人刘贞莉的行业推介, 陈少军先生热情通过COTV互联网电视向全球各地客商、观众网友介绍行业发展战略。

中国香料香精化妆品工业协会副理事长、浙江章华保健美发实业有限公司董事长章华东先生热情接受COTV 栏目组主持人刘贞莉的产品推介







company profiles
Zhanghua cosmetics technology Co., Ltd. is a large-scale comprehensive cosmetics manufacturing enterprise integrating cosmetics R & D, production, sales, training and service. Zhanghua company was established in 1980. It has three production enterprises and four production bases. With the tenet of "no 99, keep 100%", it has Beijing Zhanghua natural cosmetics research center and Shanghai Natural Mulberry research center. At present, it is a professional national hair dye cosmetics manufacturing enterprise with many kinds of hair dye, large production and complete colors in China. The company has passed IS014001 certification, IS09001 certification and FDA certification. In 2003, Zhanghua brand hair dye products ranked first in the national supervision and spot check of hair dye products at home and abroad organized by AQSIQ. In 2004, "Zhanghua" brand hair dye products ranked first in the national supervision and spot check of hair dye products at home and abroad organized by AQSIQ. "Silk essence" brand has won the best-selling gold medal in Shanghai for 20 consecutive years since it was launched into the market in 2000; "Zhanghua wipe black" brand has been the best-selling product in China for 26 consecutive years; in 1999, "Tianfeng" brand has won the famous trademark of Zhejiang Province and "Zhejiang famous brand"; the "Zhanghua" brand has won the famous trademark of Zhejiang Province and Zhejiang famous brand; the "Silk essence" brand has won the Shanghai Famous Trademark, Shanghai famous brand. Products are exported to the United States, Israel and dozens of countries and regions. "Zhanghua" series products are the world's leading, high-tech hair dyeing products for domestic and foreign merchants. In the past 40 years, Zhanghua's innovative technology has brought you new growth points, helping you to reap unexpected results. Zhanghua company sincerely welcomes all-round cooperation between new and old customers. Address: Changfu Hang Road, Jiangdong development area, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. Telephone: 086-0571-28039965, mobile phone: 13705766883, vice president of China fragrance and fragrance cosmetics industry association, Zhang Huadong, general manager, Zhang Dan Hong, with all staff sincerely welcome you to come!


来源: COTV、大号会展全球展览万里行
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